
Killed steel is deoxidized to such an extent that there is no gas evolution during solidification. Aluminum together with ferroalloys of manganese and silicon is used for deoxidation. In some applications, calcium silicide or other special strong deoxidizers are also used.

Which is deoxidizer for killing of steel?

Killed steel is deoxidized to such an extent that there is no gas evolution during solidification. Aluminum together with ferroalloys of manganese and silicon is used for deoxidation. In some applications, calcium silicide or other special strong deoxidizers are also used.

Titanium – used as a deoxidizer for steels. Phosphorus, copper(I) phosphide – used in production of oxygen-free copper. Calcium hexaboride – used in production of oxygen-free copper, yields higher conductivity copper than phosphorus-deoxidized.

Deoxidation of Steel

Steel making process consists of refining of hot metal to steel which is done under oxidizing atmosphere. During refining process oxygen get dissolve in steel. The following are the main sources of oxygen in steel.

Oxygen blowing
Use of oxidizing slags and iron ore during the steel making processes
Picking of atmospheric oxygen by the liquid steel during the teeming operation
Oxidizing refractories of the lining
Rusted and wet scrap.

The following are the four types of deoxidation of steel

Killed steel deoxidation

Semi Killed deoxidation steel

Rimmed deoxidation steel

Capped deoxidation steel


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